Archive for the ‘This here blog’ Category

Julie Klam dot com People of the Year awards   2 comments

Some unfortunate news regarding the upcoming People of the Year awards. It seems that tape recordings have turned up alleging that some of the awards were being sold. I’m devastated as the site is connected with me and I although I don’t know the people involved in the scheme, I have passed them in the halls at the offices of It sickens me that something so proud as the Julie Klam name could become tarnished, what with the paperback of my memoir coming out April 7th, 2009.

I could not more apologetic. Let me just say that the people in the running were some of the best friends this website could’ve wished for. An investigation is pending.

Posted December 27, 2008 by julieklam in This here blog

This is for you, Patrick Brown   5 comments



It’s been said that I have stopped posting because I’m all Facebook crazy. Not true. Facebook requires one line of updating, a blog post, on the contrary, requires thought –a beginning, middle and end and some editing (though not today). But since I’ve been called out, I’m blogging, even though I have nothin to say…. Except this. Life lately has been CA-RAZY. I’ll give you a glimpse, I am sure you will pity me, maybe even go out and purchase a copy of my new book about finding love at Christmas and also, there are pages and pages of Sudoku puzzles in it (it’s called Please Excuse My Daughter ).

Okay, here’s my day. God willing, I wake up. Then get Violet up, feed FIVE DOGS (we are dogsitting my dear friend Deb Kogan’s dog Lucas, a “Havanese” which when I told my father, caused him to make several jokes about Fidel Castro). Then feed Violet and fill her lunch box with a very complicated mix –it’s my own morning Manhattan Project. (note to self: riff about Violet’s lunch somewhere for money) and take her to school 30+ blocks away which ends up taking an hour and ten bucks because we’re always late and having to take a cab which the minute we get in to Violet threatens to throw up because it smells “yucky”. Then I come home (hey, wake up, this is good stuff!) walk the dogs in two shifts, settle down to write/go to the gym/clean house/do laundry/think about dinner when it’s time to walk the dogs again and go pick up Violet from the very place I just dropped her off at. After school she likes to go to Starbucks for a cup of $9.00 hot cocoa and cookie– it’s a little special down time just for her and me and 500 screaming Upper West Siders who then pack into the bus with us to go home. There are never any seats and a minimum of five people talking about lice.

I forgot to mention that throughout the day I have to pick up the fossilized puppy poopy which is very consuming, and I think, bad for my carbon footprint.

So that’s it. I promise to blog more. And very soon (think next week!) I will be announcing the People of the Year… It’s an exciting time for us all. Now I have to go. (Tell me, was it worth it?)

Posted December 9, 2008 by julieklam in Dogs, This here blog

Behind the Scenes   Leave a comment

I think I was one of the last people on the planet to get a blog, which I was advised to do because I was having a website produced to go with the publication of my book. Little by little I’ve learned how to use stuff. Like inserting links (though for some reason, it doesn’t always work) and also how to see what’s happening behind my blog. Like the numbers of people coming, where they come from and if they do a Google search, what terms they searched to get there. There are some very strange ones, like the other day someone put in “Miss Spider Bounce” and got to my blog because I wrote about Violet being afraid of Bounce on Miss Spider. Someone put in “Tom Vanderbilt” “what am I reading”. Tom Vanderbilt is Jancee Dunn‘s husband who’s got a book coming out called Traffic and I’ve written about him. I called Jancee this morning and asked her if Tom forgot what he was reading and Googled it. She said maybe he didn’t feel like looking at his bedside table. (turned out to be this) I often the get the search combo “Dan Menaker” and “Titlepage” because everyone wants to know what makes Dan and his show tick. A lot of times I get “Matthew Klam” “Julie Klam” because I guess there are some people who want to know if we’re related (we are– he’s my stepson). Once someone put in “Julie Klam’s NY address” and that creeped me out. Today I got “Julie Klam age” So someone wants to know how old I am. Well, that is a tidbit you can find out on page 36 of my book which you can buy by clicking here …if that worked…. or else you can just got to a bookstore and look it up.

Posted May 20, 2008 by julieklam in This here blog