Archive for December 2010

Happy Holidays!!   11 comments

This is the story of two of Belle and Boston from Joan Stark, long time NEBTR volunteer.

(In the photo, left to right: Belle, Missy (Mast cell tumor survivor, so far) Duke, Gidget (retired therapy dog) , and Boston.

We were looking for another dog and we had heard about rescues and decided that would be the way to go.  While we were researching them, I got word from my breeder that she had taken in a couple of Bostons and was looking for home for them.  We went to see her (and them) She had a little girl and I was looking for a female.  I fell in love with her and while we were doing the paperwork, my husband was sitting in a chair.  This skinny brindle boy hopped up in his lap and sat there the whole time.  When I finished paperwork for the little girl and said we could leave, my hubby looked at me and said “What about him?  We can’t leave him here.”  So we came home with two dogs. He was a brindle and a male – neither my favorite.  His story was that he was found in an abandoned house.  It was a known “crack” house and the theory is that the owners were in jail.  It is estimated that he was there alone for at least six months. He was going in and out the doggy door, feeding himself from garbage cans and whatever the neighbors would give him, drinking out of the toilet in the house and sleeping in his crate.  When found, on top of his crate was his rabies tag and all his paperwork to register him – his name was Boston (known as Mr. B in our house) and he is a purebreed.  He was about 10 pounds, all skin and bones, full of parasites, filthy and had really bad teeth. He was two years old.  We took him home, cleaned him up, fed him and loved him.  He is no a whopping 23 pounds, and “my” dog–doesn’t leave my side when I am home, follows me even into the bathroom, has to be in the chair with me and sleeps on the bed with us.  He is the first of our Bostons to be allowed to do this.  Needless to say, the dog my husband wanted six years ago and I was not so sure about is now my faithful protector and MY own sweet boy.

The other rescue is a NEBTR and actually is a permanent foster with us.  Her name is Belle.  She is a tiny little thing.  I saw the emails about this little old lady who had been abandoned in an apartment in PA.  The owner left town and left a note on the neighbor’s door stating she would not be back and to “feed the animals”.  Belle was there with a six month old kitten. The neighbor was a college girl who did the best she could but did not have the time or resources to do this permanently.  NEBTR was working to find her a place but everyone was full.  I could not stand the thought of her going to a shelter and even though I had not planned to foster until I retired and was home more, I decided that I needed to help the approximately fourteen year old girl. So I drove three hours to PA and met another volunteer, Kym, who had driven down to pick her up and then drove up to meet me.  It was January and it was snowing.  Lovely.  When Belle came to us she weighed just 12 pounds. She has a cataract on one eye that requires drops every day.  The vision in her other eye is limited as it is blue.  She has a grade II to IV heart murmur, about six teeth left, and was bald from her shoulders back and looked as if she was having a rectal prolapse.  It was understood that she would be a permanent foster with me as due to her age and health issues. She just would not be a good candidate for adoption.  In the first two or three months we had her, she did nothing but eat, go out to do her business, and lay in her little bed.  I changed her diet and found that she is allergic to chicken.  We have fattened her up to 14 1/2 pounds, her hair has grown back.  Due to a better diet with more fiber, etc. the rectal prolapse is not an issue.  We still put drops in her eyes.  She has no trouble eating.  She has come out of her shell and shown us that she is a funny feisty little old lady.  She jumps up to sit with my husband, loves to have her back scratched.  Wants to play with my younger dogs and she quickly learned to be first in line for treats.

I love all my pups dearly.  We have three more at home besides Belle, and Mr. B.  These two have a special history, though and have earned a special place in my heart.

Posted December 25, 2010 by julieklam in Rescue Stories

Rescue Story #10 – Addie   4 comments

The amazing story of the rescue of a puppy mill girl  from NEBTR’s Placement Coordinator and all around wonder, Jodi Groff.

Every foster I take teaches me a new lesson but it is my first foster that opened my eyes to a world I knew existed but never understood. I anxiously awaited my first assignment. I had agreed to foster one of five dogs being tossed aside by a puppy miller. I was asked by several people in the group if I thought I was ready for such a big assignment and I kept thinking what could be so bad? Well, my no name foster came and any denial that I had about how awful dogs are treated in a mill went out the door- the terrible pictures you see are sadly accurate. When this little 14 pound peanut was put on solid ground she froze, unable to move for what seemed like half an hour because she was never on grass, outside a cage or handled gently by a people…essentially she never felt an ounce of kindness or love. She was five years old and I wondered on a daily basis if she would be able to overcome her demons from years of severe abuse and neglect. (She apparently had a litter only a few days before. Our thought was that she had a litter of still born pups because of a uterine infection which is why she was given up by the miller…only in that world is having a litter of still borns be a ticket to freedom.)

She needed a name and we decided on Addie. It took months of slow interaction and lots of patience but Addie gradually began to show small signs of improvement. Even the smallest gesture like eating her food with a person in the same room was reason to celebrate…calmly of course because you didn’t want to scare her with sudden movements). Right before Christmas an application was submitted and something was telling me that it was Addie’s new family. I cried at my computer reading it because I couldn’t believe I was going to agree to give her up but I also cried because I was happy that she was finally getting the life she deserved. The family was perfect and up for the challenge to continue what was started. On a cold December morning three days after Christmas they officially adopted Addie. Rescuing these dogs is a team effort but it is the families who are willing to open their hearts and homes to the imperfect and difficult dogs that are truly the backbone of what we do. These families have the strength to love the dogs that others will not consider and they take on the challenge with a joyful heart. They practice the true definition of rescue.

Now, just close your eyes and imagine a filthy, flea infested, frightened, continuously abused, feral dog that spent her entire five years locked in a cage breeding with no human interaction. Then see the magic of patience and love by watching Addie on the video her family sent me to celebrate her one year adoption anniversary. (She is actually coming up on her SECOND anniversary December 28th!!)  I have to give all the credit to her family because this amazing transition was the result of LOTS AND LOTS OF HARD WORK.

Posted December 18, 2010 by julieklam in Rescue Stories

Rescue Story #9 – Popeye   5 comments

This uplifting story comes from Carolyn, another terrific Northeast Boston Terrier Rescue volunteer!
Last January I joined NEBTR and started fostering almost immediately.  I have had 13 fosters this year and placed 10 precious souls!
I also own a kennel, training and doggie daycare facility -so it makes it easier for me as all my fosters come to work with me etc.
In early February of 2010, I get a call from Sheryl who said “there is a woman on a farm in West Chester that wants to surrender a blind 9 year old BT named Popeye.”  She also goes on to say he is not social or housebroken, etc. Never mentions how she got him, but I don’t care just get him to me.
As the owner of a kennel I can’t leave too often, so I rely on transport. Time was of the essence as a snow storm was approaching.  One of the other volunteers calls me and says you should talk to her –get the info and see if you can get her to move at all with the dog meet us half way. I am a type A New Yorker or lets just say pushy.  I was warned the woman goes by Princess Claire.
So dial away, the woman that answers has an English accent (guessing)and indeed she introduces herself as Princess Claire. Now remember if you want to get the dog you have to play the game or she won’t surrender.  “So Princess Claire,” I ask, “do you have time to meet someone half way or get out on the highway somewhere? Most of our volunteers work and can’t travel during the week.”  This was a Monday. No absolutely not, she say, she manages a horse farm and can’t leave. She got stuck with this “little bugger” and now he needs to go! He bumps into everything in her apartment and has a “wizz” everywhere. God help me I wanted to drive up there and kick some Princess Ass. However, every volunteer knows to get the dog to safety you gotta kiss some ass or they will just hang up and game over.
With the storm coming we decide, getting transport to her Tuesday would be best so we can get this poor old man away from her. Tuesday I get a message on my voice mail from the princess herself nevermind on the surrender, Popeye has gone missing! It’s been 12 hours and she does not think he will surface.  Now if you have ever been on the NEBTR Yahoo page, everyone goes ballistic. We have people willing to drive up in the beginnings of a snow storm to search for this boy. How far can a blind 9 year old go? Volunteers do go in the dark in the snow to search with no luck.  One of the members of the rescue says he has a friend in a local police department and will ask him to call Princess Claire as a favor to him. Low and behold Thursday Popeye showed up at my Kennel.  Princess said he escaped and someone got him to the West Chester ASPCA. We will never know.
The good news is Pops was not blind, had chronic dry eye, 2 drops a day and he can see no problems. He was also housebroken, you would just need to let him outside!  During his stay with me he was wonderful laying on dogs beds, people beds and just relaxing, greeting all the customers at the kennel.  Popeye also became somewhat of a celebrity, so he got many visitors!
Popeye was adopted by a wonderful woman who is a teacher and Pops is her only child. As you can see from the before and after pics he is doing super and is so happy. It never ceases to amaze me how forgiving these creatures are, all the abuse and neglect and yet ready to love over and over. We miss him every day smellin’ like corn-chips and his little piggy grunts. But his Mom gives him more love than I ever could.
Carolyn McCarthy
Kamp Kanine
Little Falls, NJ

Posted December 11, 2010 by julieklam in Rescue Stories

Rescue Story #8 – Manley   2 comments

For the month of December I’m featuring rescue stories from my rescue groupNortheast Boston Terrier Rescue.

This is the story of Manley, it comes from Jane Tirc, intake coordinator and saint.

Manley was found wandering the street on Long Island on a rainy night in October 2009. A young couple stopped and picked him up, later bringing him to a kennel where they worked. The owner of the kennel was associated with another breed rescue and knew to contact Boston Terrier rescue when no owner could be found.

Manley was suffering from severe glaucoma and was blind. His right eye was very swollen and most likely very painful so needed to be removed.  He has long since recovered and despite his blindness is a very happy and much loved little man who will never again have to worry about being alone.

Posted December 4, 2010 by julieklam in Rescue Stories